
How to Treat the Most Common Foot and Ankle Injuries that Occur from Pickleball

Jul 27, 2024
Pickleball has been America's fastest growing sport for 4 years in a row. Although relatively low impact, several foot and ankle injuries can occur when playing pickleball. Implementing some preventative measures can keep you on the court all summer long.

Pickleball is quickly on its way to becoming the most popular sport in America. Pickleball provides many health benefits for players of all ages. Although pickleball is relatively low impact, there are common foot and ankle injuries that occur while playing the sport. In today's blog post, we will discuss these injuries, how to treat them, and how they can be prevented.

Some of the most common foot and ankle injuries that can occur from playing pickleball include sprains, strains, tendonitis, and stress fractures. These injuries can happen due to quick stops and starts, repetitive motions, improper shoegear, or overuse of the feet and ankles during the game. It's important to wear proper footwear and warm up before playing to help prevent these injuries.

A pickleball injury resulting in a sprain or strain calls for resting, elevating, icing, and compression. Anti inflammatory medication for a short period of time can decrease inflammation and alleviate pain. Sometimes pain in the feet and ankles while playing pickleball can be the result of improper shoegear. It is extremely imporant to wear supportive shoes with arch supports while playing to reduce stress and strain on the feet and ankles. 

It is crucial to follow preventative measures such as proper shoegear and arch supports as well as stretching and warming up. After sustaining a pickleball injury, rest and recovery is important in keeping players healthy so that they can continue playing America's newest favorite sport. 

Restore Foot & Ankle Specialists PLLC